Contact this Consultant

  • Company: Dr. Warren M. Torchinsky Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Phone: 856 667 7900
  • Cell: 856 261 7788
  • Fax: 856 667 7902

Profession: Dentist and Oral Surgeon

Licenses: New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

Additional Information: My practice focuses on medical compromised patients as well as facial trauma

Education: BA-Hunter College City of New York, DDS-NYU College of Dentistry, NY, NY, and Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery-St. Lukes Hospital NYC & Columbia University

Years in Practice: 16+ years

Current Hospital Privileges (Excluding Courtesy): Chief of Dentsitry & Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dept. of Surgery and Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Camden, NJ

Number of file reviews previously performed: 100+ file reviews

Average monthly hours in direct patient care: 80+ hours