Contact this Consultant
- Company: Lallie Kemp Medical Center
- Phone: 985 878 9421
- Cell: 985 507 4596
Profession: Physician (MD or DO)
Current ABMS or AOA Board Specialty and Subspecialty Certification(s): Internal Medicine
License: Louisiana
Additional Information: Provide HIV Care and Management at CareSouth Medical and Dental 3140 Florida Street Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 Phone: 225.650.2000 Provide HIV Care and Management at Lallie Kemp Medical Center 52579 Highway 51 South, Independence La, 70443-2231 Phone: 985 878 9421 Member American Academy HIV Medicine
Education: MD-College of Medicine Univeristy of Florida and BS Biology-Florida A&M University
Years in Practice: 16+ years
Current Hospital Privileges (Excluding Courtesy): Lallie Kemp Medical Center
Number of file reviews previously performed: 1 to 10 file reviews
Average monthly hours in direct patient care: 41 to 80 hours