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Profession: Physician (MD or DO)

Current ABMS or AOA Board Specialty and Subspecialty Certification(s): Internal Medicine

License: South Carolina

Additional Information: Board certified physician, with greater than 22 years of clinical experience in both the inpatient and out patient settings. Special recognition in diabetic care and management . Experience as faculty at various medical and nurse practitioner schools in the Southeast as clinical supervisor. Previous experience having served on hospital ethics and credentialing committees, as well as greater than 15 years in hospice care.

Education: Bachelor of Science, Biology -The College of New Jersey, Trenton , New Jersey , Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine -Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine , Erie ,Pennsylivania , and Residency -The Pennsylvania Hospital, University of Pennsylvania System, Philadelphia, PA

Years in Practice: 16+ years

Number of file reviews previously performed: 11 to 100 file reviews

Average monthly hours in direct patient care: 41 to 80 hours