Contact this Consultant
- Company: J Nelson MD Med Legal Review
- Phone: (206) 919-4576
- Website: JNelsonMDMedLegalReview.com
Profession: Physician (MD or DO)
Current ABMS or AOA Board Specialty and Subspecialty Certification(s): Anesthesiology
License: Washington
Additional Information: I have over 30 years of clinical experience in Anesthesia, which includes Inpatient and Outpatient based anesthesia services, as well as previous experience in Chronic Pain Evaluation and Management. I have taken SEAK Courses in Expert Witness Preparation for Deposition and Testifying - March 2023 and File Review and Disability Evaluation - January 2024.
Education: M.D.-Oregon Health Sciences University, Residency in Anesthesiology-University of Massachusetts Medical Center, and Fellowship in Acute and Chronic Pain Management-University of Washington School of Medicine, Dept of Anesthesiology
Years in Practice: 16+ years
Number of file reviews previously performed: 1 to 10 file reviews
Average monthly hours in direct patient care: 1 to 10 hours