Orthopaedic Surgery File Review Consultants in Michigan

Welcome to the SEAK National Directory of Medical File Review Consultants. The following list of board certified Orthopaedic Surgery physicians who are licensed in Michigan and are available to provide a Medical file review, Utilization review, Chart review, Peer review, Second opinion (2nd opinion), Underwriting report, Disability opinion, Pre-authorization, etc.

Peter Lasater, MD

Novi, Michigan
Orthopaedic Surgery - I am a board certified orthopedic surgeon with fellowship training in sports medicine. I have specialized training in a multitude of acute and chronic conditions of the musculoskeletal system. I am in private practice, treating and performing surgery on multiple conditions of the upper and lower extremities. I strive to get reports back in a timely manner, usually within 24-48 hours.
You can also find Orthopaedic Surgery File Review Consultants who are licensed in:
Massachusetts, Nevada, Idaho, Florida, Virginia, Missouri, California, Ohio, New York, South Carolina, Mississippi, Rhode Island, Alabama, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Wyoming, Texas, Michigan, New Jersey, Minnesota, Maryland, Georgia, Illinois, Arizona, Hawaii , New Mexico, Tennessee, and Utah