General Surgery File Review Consultants in California

Welcome to the SEAK National Directory of Medical File Review Consultants. The following list of board certified General Surgery physicians who are licensed in California and are available to provide a Medical file review, Utilization review, Chart review, Peer review, Second opinion (2nd opinion), Underwriting report, Disability opinion, Pre-authorization, etc.

Milton L Owens, MD, CM

Rancho Palos Verdes, California
General Surgery - Dr Owens specializes in bariatric and general/abdominal surgery for people suffering from morbid obesity. He is currently Medical Director of Bariatrics at Chapman Global Medical Center, where he is Chief of Surgery. Dr. Owens has an extensive list of Academic Appointments ranging from 1974-present. He has served on Editorial Boards and has more than 45 journal Publications. He has a patent for a Kidney Insulating Device which was granted in February 1980. For more information see:

Aisha Shaheen, MD, MHA

Rolling Hills Estates, California
General Surgery, Surgical Critical Care - Dual board certified in General Surgery and Surgical Critical Care by the American Board of Surgery. In active clinical practice focusing on Surgical Critical Care and ICU Medicine. Extensive experience in medical file review including chart reviews, utilization reviews, underwriting reports, pre-authorizations, disability opinions and peer reviews.

Stephan Zweig, MD, FACS

Pacific Palisades , California
General Surgery - 40+ years experience. Over 15,000 major cases. Former Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery UCLA. Trained at UC Irvine Affiliated Hospitals in General Surgery and Peripheral Vascular Surgery. Extensive advanced laparoscopic experience
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Idaho, Delaware, Wisconsin, New York, Maryland, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Texas, Colorado, New Jersey, Missouri, Massachusetts, Florida, Utah, California, West Virginia, New Mexico, and Arizona