General Surgery File Review Consultants in West Virginia

Welcome to the SEAK National Directory of Medical File Review Consultants. The following list of board certified General Surgery physicians who are licensed in West Virginia and are available to provide a Medical file review, Utilization review, Chart review, Peer review, Second opinion (2nd opinion), Underwriting report, Disability opinion, Pre-authorization, etc.

David Stuart, MD

Beckley, West Virginia
General Surgery - Chairperson Department of Surgery Beckley Appalachian Regional Healthcare Chairperson Department of Surgery Summer’s Appalachian Regional Healthcare Chairperson Department of Surgery Avalon University School of Medicine Associate Professor of Surgery Lincoln Memorial University School of Medicine
You can also find General Surgery File Review Consultants who are licensed in:
Idaho, Delaware, Wisconsin, New York, Maryland, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Texas, Colorado, New Jersey, Missouri, Massachusetts, Florida, Utah, California, West Virginia, New Mexico, and Arizona